North Coast Container (NCC) Privacy Policy

At NCC, we take personal data protection and privacy seriously.  This Privacy Policy describes the information we collect during your visit to our website and what we do with this information.

If you have any questions after reading this Privacy Policy, please contact us by emailing us at

Types of information we collect.

When you visit NCC’s website, NCC will automatically collect general information on the visitor activity to the NCC website by using IP addresses and setting temporary cookies to track user sessions. This data allows us to keep track of the number of visitors and helps us run and constantly improve the performance, content and functionalities of our website. This information is analyzed in anonymous form. NCC may pass on data to external service providers in order to effectively run the website. We have taken technical and organizational measures to ensure that the data protection regulations are observed by these external service providers.

If you provide NCC with your email address or other personal information (for example, when you fill out a form or when you request to download brochures or product sell sheets), this information will be used to process any orders or to initiate contact with you by NCC only. You may be offered the choice of being added to email or postal mailing lists, but you are not required to do so.

Please be aware that once you provide us with your email address, you become a “known user” and the NCC website contains a web beacon that collects information on the usage of known users, which is used by NCC to provide you with more information on topics that appear to be of interest to you. If you wish, you can become an anonymous user again by clearing your browser settings.

We do not wish to process your information without you being aware and therefore we provide you with further information through the cookie notice. See the Cookies section below for more information.

Use of Personal Data / Purpose and legal basis of processing.

Your personal data is only used in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the applicable data privacy laws and specifically in accordance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679.  No further usage or disclosure will take place without your explicit consent. Please also see our separate statement on California Privacy Rights described below.

NCC is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to the NCC website and will not use any personal information for any purpose other than NCC’s internal use, unless you choose to be added to certain mailing lists (this is a choice you make when you fill out a form on the website).

The purpose for processing the information provided by your browser is to: (i) be able to provide you with the website’s content; (ii) ensure the stability, security and proper functioning of our website; (iii) be able to offer a better user experience for the website.
We process the information you provide us by registering or contacting us in order to: (i) answer your question or request; (ii) be able to contact you as requested; (iii) provide you with the information, products or services you requested; and (iv) prevent abuse of our contact forms and ensure the security of our website.

The legal basis for this processing is NCC’s legitimate interest following from the purpose stated above and where applicable also additionally as needed for the purpose of entering into and/or performing a contract or your explicit consent.


NCC websites use browser cookies to support site functionality and to store your browsing preferences. If you wish to opt out or adjust your cookie preferences, please refer to the privacy settings or “help” functionality of your internet browser and to the cookie notice displayed on the site.

Transfers to Third Parties.

NCC uses third party service providers for running and managing its websites. These third parties are required to comply with this Privacy Policy in performing their activities. 

Your privacy rights.

You have the right to ask NCC which personal information we have collected. You can also send NCC an email at requesting us to delete or rectify this information or to withdraw at any time your consent for being included in mailing lists. We will address your request as soon as possible. Under EU law, you also have the right to file a complaint with your data protection authority.

Storage, retention and security.

NCC stores personal data for as long as it is necessary to perform the services you requested and in compliance with our data retention policies and the retention periods required by law.    

NCC has implemented adequate technical and organizational measures to protect the information you have made available from being accidentally lost, destroyed or corrupted and from being accessed or manipulated by any unauthorized persons. Your personal information is stored in a database on a secure server. The database is password protected and is only accessible by NCC’s servers and authorized personnel of NCC. NCC reviews its security measures on an ongoing basis to ensure these are up to date and compliant.

Data Integrity and Purpose Limitation.

NCC will take reasonable steps to ensure that data is reliable for its intended use, and is accurate, complete, and current. NCC will take precautions to ensure the personal information is relevant for the purposes for which it is to be used. In certain situations, NCC may be required to disclose personal data in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including for the purpose of meeting national security or law enforcement requirements. Where requests are made by U.S. governmental authorities to provide data of European data subjects, we do not automatically comply with such requests, but rather NCC will carefully weigh your privacy rights under the GDPR against any legal obligations and duties NCC may have to cooperate with such requests.

Third-Party websites and this Privacy Policy.

Please be aware that other third-party websites that may be accessed through our website may collect personally identifiable information about you. The data privacy practices of those third-party websites are not covered by this Privacy Policy.

Revisions and updates.

Technological changes related to the development of the Internet and changes in the applicable legislation may require NCC to make changes to our data protection rules from time to time. We reserve the right to implement appropriate changes and update our Privacy Policy accordingly at any time.

Additional privacy rights under California law.

This supplemental notice is provided pursuant to the California Consumer Privacy Act, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act (collectively, referred to as “CCPA”), and describes how NCC processes Personal Information of California consumers. In the event of a conflict between any other policy, statement, or notice and this notice, this notice will prevail as to California consumers and their rights under California privacy law.

The term “Personal Information” means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with you. Personal Information does not include information that is publicly available, de-identified, or aggregated.


We collect the following categories of Personal Information about California consumers. Note that the Personal Information we collect about you may vary depending on the nature of your interactions with us and may not include all of the examples below:

  • Identifiers (such as name, email address, mailing address, telephone number, device identifier, Internet Protocol address, or other similar identifiers)
    • How We Use the Information: (1) to process your purchases, online orders, returns, exchanges, and other transactions, (2) to communicate with you, including to respond to your inquiries and to obtain your feedback, (3) to send you marketing materials and advertisements, (4) to recognize you when you use our website, (5) to allow you to participate in the features we offer on the website, (6) to audit, research and analyze your use of our website, (7) to maintain and improve the website, (8) to detect and prevent fraud, and (9) for any other internal business purposes
    • Sources of Personal Information: (1) directly from you, (2) automatically when you use our website, and (3) from Service Providers that help us to run our business
    • Categories of Recipients of Personal Information: Service Providers that help us to run our business
    • Why We Disclose Personal Information: so that our Service Providers can assist us in providing you with the products or services you requested, for customer service purposes, and for online security purposes
  • Personal information described in Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e) (such as name, email address, mailing address, telephone number, and payment card information)
    • How We Use the Information: (1) to process your purchases, online orders, returns, exchanges, and other transactions, (2) to communicate with you, including to respond to your inquiries and to obtain your feedback, (3) to send you marketing materials and advertisements, and (4) to detect and prevent fraud
    • Sources of Personal Information: directly from you and from Service Providers that help us to run our business
    • Sources of Personal Information: directly from you and from Service Providers that help us to run our business
    • Why We Disclose Personal Information: so that our Service Providers can assist us in communicating with you, including providing you with the products or services you requested and for customer service purposes
  • Commercial Information (such as records of products or services purchased, or purchasing or consuming histories)
    • How We Use the Information: (1) to manage the customer relationship including returns, exchanges, and other transactions, (2) to send you marketing materials and advertisements, and (3) to detect and prevent fraud
    • Sources of Personal Information: your purchases/purchase history related to your shopping experience with us
    • Categories of Recipients of Personal Information: Service Providers that help us to run our business
    • Why We Disclose Personal Information: (1) to process your purchases, online orders, returns, exchanges, and other transactions, (2) to communicate with you, including to respond to your inquiries, and (3) to market or advertise to you
  • Internet or other electronic network activity information (such as browsing and search history on our website and information about how you interact with our website)
    • How We Use the Information: (1) to allow you to use the features we offer on the website, (2) to facilitate, manage, personalize, and improve your website experience, (3) to provide you with recommendations, (4) to audit, research and analyze your use of our website, (5) to maintain and improve the website, and (6) to detect and prevent fraud
    • Sources of Personal Information: obtained automatically when you use our website and from Service Providers that help us to run our business
    • Categories of Recipients of Personal Information: Service Providers that help us to run our business
    • Why We Disclose Personal Information: for security purposes and to improve our website and service
  • Sensory data (such as audio recordings of customer calls and security cameras)
    • How We Use the Information: (1) to provide you with customer service, and (2) for security purposes
    • Sources of Personal Information: directly from you and from Service Providers that help us to run our business
    • Categories of Recipients of Personal Information: Service Providers that help us to run our business
    • Why We Disclose Personal Information: to provide you with customer service and for security purposes
  • Inferences (such as information about your preferences and your buying behaviors or tendencies)
    • How We Use the Information: (1) to provide you with appropriate recommendations, (2) to improve the website, and our products, marketing, and advertising, (3) to help you find relevant products more quickly, and (4) to provide you with a better website experience
    • Sources of Personal Information: from Service Providers that help us to run our business and automatically when you use our website
    • Sources of Personal Information: from Service Providers that help us to run our business and automatically when you use our website
    • Why We Disclose Personal Information: N/A

In addition to the uses and disclosures of personal information described above, we may use and disclose any personal information as reasonably necessary to comply with law and legal requirements, cooperate with and respond to law enforcement requests, or as otherwise required by applicable law, court order, or governmental regulations. We also use personal information we collect as necessary to maintain appropriate records for internal administrative purposes, to protect our rights and interests or those of others, to resolve any disputes, to enforce our policies, or to prevent harm. Any personal information we collect may be provided to our professional advisors, including accountants, auditors, consultants, and lawyers, when reasonably necessary for our professional advisors to perform services for us and give us appropriate advice. Any and all personal information we collect may be given to another company in the event of a transaction such as a sale, merger, or other acquisition of some or all of our assets or business or as part of the negotiation or evaluation of such sale, merger, or other acquisition.


Under California law, a “sale” of Personal Information does not necessarily involve an exchange of money. Instead, the term also includes disclosures of Personal Information to third parties under circumstances where the third parties may use the information for their own purposes. We do not sell (or share for cross-context behavioral advertising) the Personal Information of California consumers. We do not have actual knowledge that we sell or share the Personal Information of consumers under 16 years of age.

We may disclose the categories of Personal Information provided below to contractors and service providers for a business or commercial purpose: (i) Identifiers; (ii) Personal information described in Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e); (iii) Commercial Information; and (iv) Internet or other electronic network activity information.


We may keep any Personal Information for as long as we reasonably need the Personal Information to comply with law and legal requirements, cooperate with and respond to law enforcement requests or court orders, to maintain appropriate records for internal administrative purposes, to protect our rights and interests or those of others, to resolve any disputes, to enforce our policies, or to prevent harm.  Where information is used for more than one purpose, we will retain it until the purpose with the latest period expires. 


If you are a resident of California, you have the right to submit certain requests relating to your Personal Information as described below. To exercise any of these rights, please submit a request by emailing us at  Please note that, if you submit a request to know, request to delete or request to correct, you will be asked to verify your identity in accordance with the law. You may designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf; however, you will still need to verify your identity directly with us before your request can be processed. An authorized agent may submit a request on your behalf using the email listed above.

If we decline to fulfill your privacy rights request, we will tell you why, unless we are not legally permitted to do so.

Right to Know. You have the right to request the following details about the Personal Information we have collected about you:

  • The categories of Personal Information we have collected about you, including the categories of sources from which the Personal Information was collected
  • Our business or commercial purposes for sharing Personal Information
  • The categories of recipients to which we disclose Personal Information
  • The categories of Personal Information that we disclosed for a business purpose, and for each category identified, the categories of recipients to which we disclosed that particular category of Personal Information
  • The specific pieces of Personal Information we have collected about you

Right to Delete Your Personal Information. You have the right to request that we delete Personal Information we collected from you, subject to certain exceptions.

Right to Correct Personal Information. If you believe that Personal Information we maintain about you is inaccurate, you have the right to request that we correct that information.

We will not discriminate against you if you choose to exercise any of your privacy rights under the CCPA.